- Airport
- Booking
- Client
- DutyOfCare
- EReputation
- Exceptions
- ReferenceData
- Resources
- Schedule
- Shopping
- Travel
Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- Airport
- A namespaced client for the "/airport" endpoints.
- Amadeus
- The Amadeus API client. To initialize, use the builder as follows:
- AmadeusBuilder
- Booking
- A namespaced client for the "/booking" endpoints.
- Configuration
- Constants
- DutyOfCare
- A namespaced client for the "/dutyOfCare" endpoints.
- EReputation
- A namespaced client for the "/e-reputation" endpoints.
- ReferenceData
- A namespaced client for the "/referenceData" endpoints.
- Schedule
- A namespaced client for the "/schedule" endpoints.
- Shopping
- A namespaced client for the "/shopping" endpoints.
- Travel
- A namespaced client for the "/travel" endpoints.