Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- HTTPClient
- ResourceInterface
- DirectDestinations
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/airport/direct-destinations" endpoints.
- OnTime
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/airport/predictions/on-time" endpoints.
- Predictions
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/airport/predictions" endpoints.
- Airport
- A namespaced client for the
"/airport" endpoints.
- Amadeus
- The Amadeus API client. To initialize, use the builder as follows:
- AmadeusBuilder
- FlightOrders
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/booking/flight-orders" endpoints.
- HotelBookings
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/booking/hotel-bookings" endpoints.
- Booking
- A namespaced client for the
"/booking" endpoints.
- AccessToken
- A memoized Access Token, with the ability to auto-refresh when needed.
- BasicHTTPClient
- The HTTP part of the Amadeus API client.
- Request
- An object containing all the details of the request made, including the host,
path, port, params, and headers. Generally this object can be accessed as part of
an API response, and can be used to debug the API call made.
- Response
- A generic response as received from an API call. Contains the status code, body,
and parsed JSON (if any).
- Configuration
- Constants
- Covid19AreaReport
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/duty-of-care/diseases/covid19-area-report" endpoints.
- Diseases
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/duty-of-care/diseases" endpoints.
- DutyOfCare
- A namespaced client for the
"/dutyOfCare" endpoints.
- HotelSentiments
- A namespaced client for the
"/v2/e-reputation/hotel-sentiments" endpoints.
- EReputation
- A namespaced client for the
"/e-reputation" endpoints.
- AuthenticationException
- Inherit __construct() from parent class
- ClientException
- Inherit __construct() from parent class
- NetworkException
- Inherit __construct() from parent class
- NotFoundException
- Inherit __construct() from parent class
- ResponseException
- ServerException
- Inherit __construct() from parent class
- Airlines
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/reference-data/airlines" endpoints.
- Location
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/reference-data/locations/:location_id" endpoints.
- Airports
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/reference-data/locations/airports" endpoints.
- Hotel
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/reference-data/locations/hotel" endpoints.
- ByCity
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/reference-data/locations/hotels/by-city" endpoints.
- ByGeocode
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/reference-data/locations/hotels/by-geocode" endpoints.
- ByHotels
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/reference-data/locations/hotels/by-hotels" endpoints.
- Hotels
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/reference-data/locations/hotels" endpoints.
- Locations
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/reference-data/locations" endpoints.
- RecommendedLocations
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/reference-data/recommended-locations" endpoints.
- ReferenceData
- A namespaced client for the
"/referenceData" endpoints.
- Activity
- An Activity-related object as returned by the Tours and Activities API.
- AircraftEquipment
- Sub-resource in FlightExtendedSegment, Leg
- Airline
- An Airline object as returned by the Airline Code Lookup API.
- Area
- Sub-resource in DiseaseAreaReport
- AreaAccessRestriction
- Sub-resource in DiseaseAreaReport
- AreaPolicy
- Sub-resource in DiseaseAreaReport
- AreaRestriction
- Sub-resource in DiseaseAreaReport
- AreaVaccinated
- Sub-resource in DiseaseAreaReport
- Border
- Sub-resource in EntryRestriction
- Co2Emission
- Sub-resource in FlightExtendedSegment
- DatedFlight
- A DatedFlight object as returned by the On-Demand Flight Status API.
- DatedFlightLeg
- Sub-resource in DatedFlight
- DatedFlightSegment
- Sub-resource in DatedFlight
- DatedFlightSegmentPartnership
- Sub-resource in Segment
- DatedInformation
- Sub-resource in AreaAccessRestriction
- DatedQuarantineRestriction
- Sub-resource in AreaAccessRestriction
- DatedTracingApplicationRestriction
- Sub-resource in AreaAccessRestriction
- DeclarationDocuments
- Sub-resource in AreaAccessRestriction
- DelayPrediction
- A DelayPrediction object as returned by the Airport Routes API.
- Description
- Sub-resource in TermAnaCondition
- Destination
- A Destination object as returned by the Airport Routes API.
- DiseaseAreaReport
- A DiseaseAreaReport object as returned by the Travel Restrictions API.
- DiseaseCase
- Sub-resource in DiseaseAreaReport
- DiseaseDataSources
- Sub-resource in DiseaseAreaReport
- DiseaseInfection
- Sub-resource in DiseaseAreaReport
- DiseaseTestingRestriction
- Sub-resource in AreaAccessRestriction
- DiseaseVaccination
- Sub-resource in AreaAccessRestriction
- ElementaryPrice
- Sub-resource in Activity
- EntryRestriction
- Sub-resource in AreaAccessRestriction
- ExitRestriction
- Sub-resource in AreaAccessRestriction
- FareRules
- Sub-resource in FlightOffer
- FlightAdditionalService
- Sub-resource in FlightPrice, etc.
- FlightAdditionalServicesRequest
- Sub-resource in FlightFareDetailsBySegment.
- FlightAllotmentDetails
- Sub-resource in FlightFareDetailsBySegment.
- FlightAvailability
- A FlightAvailability object as returned by the Flight Availabilities Search API.
- FlightAvailabilityClass
- Sub-resource in FlightExtendedSegment
- FlightBaggageAllowance
- Sub-resource in FlightFareDetailsBySegment.
- FlightBookingRequirements
- Sub-resource in FlightOfferPricingOutput, etc.
- FlightDate
- A FlightDate object as returned by the Flight Cheapest Date Search API.
- FlightDateLinks
- Sub-resource in FlightDate.
- FlightDesignator
- Sub-resource in DatedFlight, Partnership
- FlightDestination
- A FlightDestination object as returned by the Flight Inspiration Search API.
- FlightDestinationLinks
- Sub-resource in FlightDestination.
- FlightEndpoint
- Sub-resource in FlightExtendedSegment
- FlightExtendedSegment
- Sub-resource in Itineraries, FlightAvailability, etc.
- FlightFareDetailsBySegment
- Sub-resource in TravelerPricing, etc.
- FlightFee
- Sub-resource in FlightPrice, etc.
- FlightItineraries
- Sub-resource in FlightOffer, etc.
- FlightOffer
- A FlightOffer object as returned by the Flight Offers Search API, Flight Choice Prediction API.
- FlightOfferPricingOutput
- A FlightOfferPricingOutput object as returned by the Flight Offers Price API.
- FlightOfferTax
- Sub-resource in FlightPrice, etc.
- FlightOrder
- A FlightOrder object as returned by the Flight Create Orders API.
- FlightOrderAssociatedRecord
- Sub-resource in FlightOrder.
- FlightPayment
- Optional parameter resource for calling Flight Offer Price API.
- FlightPoint
- Sub-resource in DatedFlight
- FlightPointArrival
- Sub-resource in FlightPoint.
- FlightPointDeparture
- Sub-resource in FlightPoint.
- FlightPointGate
- Sub-resource in Arrival, Departure
- FlightPointTerminal
- Sub-resource in Arrival, Departure
- FlightPointTiming
- Sub-resource in Arrival, Departure
- FlightPointTimingDelay
- Sub-resource in Timing
- FlightPrice
- Sub-resource in FlightOffer, FlightDestination etc.
- FlightPricingOptions
- Sub-resource in FlightOffer, etc.
- FlightStop
- Sub-resource in FlightExtendedSegment
- FlightTourAllotment
- Sub-resource in FlightAvailabilityClass
- GeoCode
- Sub-resource in Hotel, HotelNameAutocomplete, Activity, Location, Area, etc.
- Hotel
- A Hotel object as returned by the Hotel List API.
- HotelAddress
- Sub-resource in Hotel, HotelNameAutocomplete.
- HotelBookingAssociatedRecord
- Sub-resource in HotelBookingLight.
- HotelBookingLight
- A HotelBookingLight object as returned by the Hotel Booking API.
- HotelContent
- Sub-resource in HotelOffers.
- HotelDistance
- Sub-resource in Hotel.
- HotelNameAutocomplete
- A HotelNameAutocomplete object as returned by the Hotel Name Autocomplete API.
- HotelOffer
- Sub-resource in HotelOffers.
- HotelOfferAveragePrice
- Sub-resource in HotelProductPriceVariations.
- HotelOffers
- A HotelOffers object as returned by the Hotel Search API.
- HotelOfferTax
- Sub-resource in HotelProductHotelPrice.
- HotelProductCancellationPolicy
- Sub-resource in HotelProductPolicyDetails.
- HotelProductCheckInOutPolicy
- Sub-resource in HotelProductPolicyDetails.
- HotelProductCommission
- Sub-resource in HotelOffer.
- HotelProductDepositPolicy
- Sub-resource in HotelProductPolicyDetails.
- HotelProductEstimatedRoomType
- Sub-resource in HotelProductRoomDetails.
- HotelProductGuaranteePolicy
- Sub-resource in HotelProductPolicyDetails.
- HotelProductGuests
- Sub-resource in HotelOffer.
- HotelProductHoldPolicy
- Sub-resource in HotelProductPolicyDetails.
- HotelProductHotelPrice
- Sub-resource in HotelOffer.
- HotelProductPaymentPolicy
- Sub-resource in HotelProductGuaranteePolicy, HotelProductDepositPolicy.
- HotelProductPolicyDetails
- Sub-resource in HotelOffer.
- HotelProductPriceVariation
- Sub-resource in HotelProductPriceVariations.
- HotelProductPriceVariations
- Sub-resource in HotelProductHotelPrice.
- HotelProductRateFamily
- Sub-resource in HotelOffer.
- HotelProductRoomDetails
- Sub-resource in HotelOffer.
- HotelSentiment
- A HotelSentiment object as returned by the Hotel Ratings API.
- HotelSentimentDetails
- Sub-resource in HotelSentiment
- Link
- Sub-resource in DiseaseAreaReport
- Links
- Sub-resource in FlightDestination, Location
- Location
- A Location object as returned by the Airport and City Search API, Airport Nearest Relevant API and Travel Recommendations API .
- LocationAddress
- Sub-resource in Location.
- LocationAnalytics
- Sub-resource in Location.
- LocationAnalyticsTravelers
- Sub-resource in LocationAnalytics.
- LocationDistance
- Sub-resource in Location.
- Markup
- Sub-resource in HotelOfferAveragePrice, HotelProductPriceVariation, HotelProductHotelPrice.
- MaskRestriction
- Sub-resource in AreaAccessRestriction
- OnTimePrediction
- An OnTimePrediction object as returned by the Airport On-Time Prediction API.
- OperatingFlight
- Sub-resource in FlightExtendedSegment
- PassengerConditions
- Sub-resource in FlightBookingRequirements.
- QualifiedFreeText
- Sub-resource in HotelOffer, HotelProductRoomDetails, HotelProductCommission,
HotelProductCheckInOutPolicy, HotelProductGuaranteePolicy,
HotelProductDepositPolicy, HotelProductCancellationPolicy.
- Resource
- TermAndCondition
- Sub-resource in FareRules
- Transportation
- Sub-resource in AreaAccessRestriction
- TravelerAddress
- Sub-resource in TravelerContact
- TravelerContact
- Sub-resource in TravelerElement
- TravelerDocuments
- Sub-resource in TravelerElement
- TravelerElement
- Sub-resource in FlightOrder
- TravelerName
- Sub-resource in TravelerElement
- TravelerPhone
- Sub-resource in TravelerContact
- TravelerPricing
- Sub-resource in FlightOffer, etc.
- ValidityPeriod
- Sub-resource in DiseaseTestingRestriction
- Flights
- A namespaced client for the
"/v2/schedule/flights" endpoints.
- Schedule
- A namespaced client for the
"/schedule" endpoints.
- BySquare
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/shopping/activities/by-square" endpoints.
- Activities
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/shopping/activities" endpoints.
- Activity
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/shopping/activities/:activity_id" endpoints.
- FlightAvailabilities
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/shopping/availability/flight-availabilities" endpoints.
- Availability
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/shopping/availability" endpoints.
- FlightDates
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/shopping/flight-dates" endpoints.
- FlightDestinations
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/shopping/flight-destinations" endpoints.
- Prediction
- A namespaced client for the
"/v2/shopping/flight-offers/prediction" endpoints.
- Pricing
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/shopping/flight-offers/pricing" endpoints.
- FlightOffers
- A namespaced client for the
"/v2/shopping/flight-offers" endpoints.
- HotelOffer
- A namespaced client for the
"/v3/shopping/hotel-offers/:offer_id" endpoints.
- HotelOffers
- A namespaced client for the
"/v3/shopping/hotel-offers" endpoints.
- Shopping
- A namespaced client for the
"/shopping" endpoints.
- FlightDelay
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/travel/predictions/flight-delay" endpoints.
- Predictions
- A namespaced client for the
"/v1/travel/predictions" endpoints.
- Travel
- A namespaced client for the
"/travel" endpoints.